Sébastien Berthe's gear interview

Want to find out what's hidden in climber Sébastien Berthe's bag? At the Montagne en Scène festival a few weeks ago, we had the chance to meet several athletes, including Sébastien, at the Grand Rex. And he let us in on a few little secrets.

When you're bouldering, the hardest thing to transport are crashpads, those big mattresses that absorb the shock of a fall - very heavy, and apparently not easy to fit in a car! And for big walls, portaledges are a must, otherwise climbers wouldn't be able to spend the night along the walls.

Sébastien also revealed that wedges, those little pieces of metal essential for safety, are the most expensive piece of equipment he owns. Speaking of fetish objects, he can't do without his skin creams - a real obsession for him (or rather, his "psychosis" as he puts it)!

And when it comes to style, Sébastien never goes out without his trademark colorful tights. When it comes to ecology, of which he is a great advocate, he is a fan of resealing climbing shoes, a practice that extends their life....